Sunday, January 27, 2008


Mands and I aren't sure when Deb gets back and seeing as it's my turn to post a topic after Deb I thought I should give us something to work on for this week...
Nurture - Mands had a weekend of nurturing Willow and Asher and gave Karl and I the chance to have a lovely weekend away, giving us the chance to nurture our relationship. With or without kids our lives involve nurturing, whether it be ourselves or our relationships,. We see examples of it all around us: a horse nuzzling it's foal, or a magpie teaching it's baby bird to hunt for food, the earth giving a young tree enough water to grow, or even a friend nurturing her dream to travel the world or buy a house.

Enjoy :)
I'll post my wind picture soon, I promise...

1 comment:

Shell said...

lucky debbstar is exploring aisa, at the moment she should be still in china! she passed on her topic for this week to me to post, but i was waiting to see if she'd make it on the net from afar. it's lovely to hear you were so inspired brook. it's a beautiful topic and i'm looking forward to thinking about it. i'll post debb's next sunday, unless she manages to connect to the net from there :)