Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mandie's Busy


Little Fox said...

oooh, i love it! Your characters are always gorgeous and your creativity inspiring mands. I would love to see your illustrations in a childrens story book one day! You and brook ever thought about doing one together?

mands said...

thanks debb. i sure feel like i'm juggling like this some times. wish i had more time/stuff to do a better job of my drawings! a kids book would be very cool - maybe that could be one of our soul knocking projects some time!

Shell said...

wow debb, i read your comment and that's exactly what i was thinking when i was looking at mands' pictures - mands your little girl would be beautiful for a story book. sounds like it's a 'maybe one day' thing to add to the list of things to do eventually. as a soul knocking project it'd be fun, though we'd all need quite some time, maybe to even blog it bit by bit. beautiful and inspiring my dear friend!

Anonymous said...

what a great idea mands, and deb and shell are right, she is a great character and i'd love to see her in a book too! 'maybe one day' we should talk more about that girls....