Sunday, August 31, 2008

City - by Shell

this is a skyline of wonderful barcelona, seen from the rooftop of a huge and beautiful central cathedral. i created this line over a coffee with mands in one of the little alleys of the city. i felt so lucky to have the opportunity to explore such an old and diverse city. i found myself constantly inspired by the pervasive art and creativity there and the constant juxtaposition of new and old. i think this has come across in this simple line drawing, with the new antennas poking up out of the other ancient rooflines.


Little Fox said...

i love that you've used simple line to capture an intricate city skyline, seemingly transforming the line itself into something complex. Looks like a magic place to be viewing the world from

Shell said...

thank you little debb :) i think you'd love it there, so inspiring.