Sunday, January 31, 2010

In the kitchen - by Shell

For me, being in the kitchen means love and creativity. Good dishes take time and for me and my sweet Luke are always made with a pinch of love. Pies were a specialty for us at one stage and this is possibly the best pie we've ever made. My special talent was decorating, whilst Luke makes killer pastry. It was a peach pie and shared with dear friends Patrick and Belinda. Food always tastes better when shared with friends I think.


Little Fox said...

MMM, yum!!!! Recipe Shell? (I can veganize almost anything these days ^^)

I love the way you've turned the process of making your peach pie ('love-pie', lol) into art. The photo of the pastry leaves being cut out, especially with the background, looks so organic, as if the leaves are a tree growing from the pastry itself. Gorgeous. The pic' of the pie being decorated speaks of the love, passion and creativity that poured into the dish. Any the baked pie itself, not only a master piece but a feast for the eyes and the imagination! What a magical treat to share with two very special friends.

You've taken creativity to a whole new level and i love it!

belinda suzette said...

oh i remember this pie well, and i remember the night we ate it! i believe we had baked potatos? mium mium mium yummy memories xxx