Sunday, January 25, 2009

Urban art - by Deb

Shell's devine and creative cutouts have inspired me to try my hand at it too. The urban gallery i chose is my uni cafeteria. I loved the colourful 'shadows' cast by the cellophane when held under my lamp,and couldn't resist sharing the fun. Reminded me of the animated images of Josh Pyke's 'Lighthouse' filmclip. Would love to learn how to animate one day.

[I'd imagined yellow and red cellophane when i crafted this piece. Unfortunately, the local craft store was fresh out of yellow! Not quite the desired effect. A touch more abstract than envisaged]


Shell said...

fantastic messages debb, i'm sure your sketches will evolve into brilliant creations! i can't wait to see them! i like the idea of cellophane and putting them in a window, 'tis sure to draw the eye of passers-by.

Shell said...

i've said it before and i'll say it!! you never fail to inspire me debb. it's wonderful to post such creations at the cafeteria entrance (i so recognise those doors!) and i'm glad you captured the colourful shadows in your pics to show us too. they've turned out brilliantly!

Little Fox said...

thanku :)

Shell said...

hey deb, are your artworks still on the doors?